Membership Entitlement
If you like attending any of our Special Events or if you want to support the continued success of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Kelowna or Canada or if you want to just support our Temple, please consider becoming a Member. Our Membership is growing and we want you to be a part of our vibrant community!
Temple Services and Facility Usage is outlined in this attached guide (see below), this is the basic minimum, should you feel our services were of higher value, we appreciate your financial support – In Gassho
The household (a family unit wholly dependent upon the member as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency) of one who has paid full membership dues, sustaining and JSBTC Assessments as set annually at the Annual General Meeting.
The 2025 fees are $200.00 for single person to cover annual Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temple Assessment, ministerial costs, and a $5.00 membership fee. We rely on donations and participation in projects to offset all other temple maintenance and operational costs. Please give generously to help keep our temple alive.
1. Benefits of Temple Membership
If you enjoy attending events at Kelowna Buddhist Temple, wish to play a part in the Temple’s work of supporting a vibrant Jodo Shinshu Buddhist community, or want to honor your family’s Buddhist heritage, please consider becoming a Member. Our membership is growing, as more and more people in the West seek an opportunity to learn about and practice Buddhism. We welcome your inquiries regarding membership and its many benefits, which include:
- Facility usage
- 10% discount at the Temple bookstore
- Access to all Temple functions
- Special services, such as weddings and funerals
- Pastoral care
- Membership in Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada
- Voting privileges
2. How to become a Member
Simply fill out a membership application and submit it to the Temple’s Director of Membership.
3. Why are there membership fees for the Temple?
Jodo Shinshu Buddhism is a “grass roots” school, with an inherently democratic and egalitarian tradition. Historically, since its early beginnings in medieval Japan, Jodo Shinshu Temples have been sustained financially by lay members in this same manner. This tradition is still strong in Japan, as well as the many Jodo Shinshu Temples across North America.
In keeping with this democratic tradition, membership fees are decided and voted on by the Temple membership each January at the Temple’s Annual General Meeting.
4. How are my membership fees used by the Temple?
Membership fees are used in the following general areas:
- Sustaining Funds, to support the functions of the three Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples in Interior BC (Kelowna, Vernon, and Kamloops)
- Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada
- Kelowna Buddhist Temple

Sustaining Funds are responsible for the general cost of operations including Temple services in interior BC. The Reverend serves all three Interior Temples, plus several Jodo Shinshu communities in other locations in Interior BC such as New Denver and Midway. Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada provides our Temple with oversight and connection to the broader Canadian Jodo Shinshu community.
ONLY $5 of the ($200 annual ) funds go directly to Kelowna Buddhist Temple are utilized for day to day operations and maintenance of the Temple. The Kelowna Buddhist Temple relies on its fundraisers throughout the year and donations for all additional funds required for general upkeep and operations at the Temple. Therefore, we encourage our members to donate their time a few times a year to help out at our fundraising activities such as Chow Mein sales, apple pie sales, and the annual Farmers Market. Many hands make light work, and this is a great way to meet and offer service to your Buddhist community.
There are other ways to help out the Temple. For example, doing maintenance around the temple building and grounds.
Another way to make a contribution is to let your name stand if you are voted in to be a Director on the Board for a minimum of 2 years. New Directors have new ideas that are greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any Director for information or assistance.